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temperance drink

  • 1 безалкогольный напиток

    1) General subject: seven-up (типа лимонада), soft drink, non-intoxicant beverage
    2) Engineering: nonalcoholic beverage
    5) Gastronomy: temperance drink
    6) Jargon: Dr. Pepper, M.D.
    7) Food industry: alcohol-free beverage

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > безалкогольный напиток

  • 2 безалкогольный


    безалкогольный напиток — non-alcoholic / temperance drink, soft drink разг.

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > безалкогольный

  • 3 безалкогольный

    1) ( не содержащий алкоголя) non-alcoholic; alcohol-free

    безалкого́льный напи́ток — non-alcoholic beverage, soft drink

    безалкого́льный бар — soft drink bar

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > безалкогольный

  • 4 М-82

    В МЕРУ PrepP Invar
    1. - чего Prep
    the resulting PrepP is adv
    in accordance with
    to the extent of
    within the limits of
    в меру своих сил (способностей, разумения) — (in refer, to exerting maximum effort) as best one can
    to the best of one's ability (abilities).
    «Знаменитый Логидзе тайну своих прохладительных напитков унёс с собой в могилу, - сказал Абесаломон Нар-тович, - я в меру своих скромных сил пытаюсь создать равноценный напиток» (Искандер 4). "The famous Logidze carried the secret of his soft drinks to the grave," Abesalomon Nartovich said "To the extent of my modest abilities, I am trying to create a drink of equivalent worth" (4a).
    Мать сотворила глупость, но ведь написала правду... Значит, стыдиться за мать не нужно. Зачем стыдиться за несчастную женщину, которая терзается и не спит ночей из-за дочкиных неурядиц и пытается в меру своего разумения... Да ведь главное, главное: написала правду! (Трифонов 1). Granted, her mother had behaved foolishly, but what she had written was the truth, after all....So why should she feel shame for her mother? Why be ashamed of an unhappy woman who tormented herself and was unable to sleep at night because of her daughter's problems, a woman who tried as best she could to....Yes, and after all, the point was-the real point was that she had written the truth! (1a).
    Я пытаюсь в меру своих сил раскрыть значительность эпического существования маленького народа (Искандер 3)....1 have attempted to reveal, to the best of my abilities, the significance of the epic existence of the little nation (3a).
    2. - каков, как ( modif or adv
    ( sth. is present) to a moderate, appropriate, or acceptable degree (used to express the speakers opinion that sth. he considers positive is present to a sufficient degree, sth. he considers negative is not present to an excessive degree, or sth. about which he makes no value judgment is present to an average degree)
    fairly rather reasonably.
    ...Он (полковник) был в меру высок и в меру дороден... (Гинзбург 2). Не (the Colonel) was moderately tall and moderately portly. (2a).
    ...Все веселились вовсю, танцевали под любопытную, в меру модерновую музыку... (Залыгин 1)....All were busy enjoying themselves dancing to some curious, fairly modern music... (1a).
    В вагоне было в меру накурено, прохладно (Шолохов 3). The carriage was rather smoky and cold (3a).
    with temperance, within reasonable limits
    in moderation
    (in limited contexts) not (taking (carrying) sth.) too far.
    ...Все делалось в меру, как того требуют обычаи и собственное желание (Искандер 3). Everything was done in moderation, as dictated by custom and personal inclination (3a).
    (Ko-стылёв:) Ты что сказал? (Сатин:) Это я так... про себя... (Костылёв:) Смотри, брат! Шути в меру... да! (Горький 3). (К.:) What did you say? (S.:) I was just talking...to myself... (K.:) You be careful! Don't carry your jokes too far...I mean it! (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > М-82

  • 5 в меру

    [PrepP; Invar]
    1. в меру чего [Prep; the resulting PrepP is adv]
    in accordance with:
    || в меру своих сил (способностей, разумения) [in refer, to exerting maximum effort] as best one can;
    - to the best of one's ability (abilities).
         ♦ "Знаменитый Логидзе тайну своих прохладительных напитков унёс с собой в могилу, - сказал Абесаломон Нартович, - я в меру своих скромных сил пытаюсь создать равноценный напиток" (Искандер 4). "The famous Logidze carried the secret of his soft drinks to the grave," Abesalomon Nartovich said "To the extent of my modest abilities, I am trying to create a drink of equivalent worth" (4a).
         ♦ Мать сотворила глупость, но ведь написала правду... Значит, стыдиться за мать не нужно. Зачем стыдиться за несчастную женщину, которая терзается и не спит ночей из-за дочкиных неурядиц и пытается в меру своего разумения... Да ведь главное, главное: написала правду! (Трифонов 1). Granted, her mother had behaved foolishly, but what she had written was the truth, after all....So why should she feel shame for her mother? Why be ashamed of an unhappy woman who tormented herself and was unable to sleep at night because of her daughter's problems, a woman who tried as best she could to....Yes, and after all, the point was-the real point was that she had written the truth! (1a).
         ♦...Я пытаюсь в меру своих сил раскрыть значительность эпического существования маленького народа (Искандер 3)....I have attempted to reveal, to the best of my abilities, the significance of the epic existence of the little nation (3a).
    2. в меру каков, как [modif or adv]
    (sth. is present) to a moderate, appropriate, or acceptable degree (used to express the speakers opinion that sth. he considers positive is present to a sufficient degree, sth. he considers negative is not present to an excessive degree, or sth. about which he makes no value judgment is present to an average degree):
    - reasonably.
         ♦...Он [полковник] был в меру высок и в меру дороден... (Гинзбург 2). Не [the Colonel] was moderately tall and moderately portly.. (2a).
         ♦...Все веселились вовсю, танцевали под любопытную, в меру модерновую музыку... (Залыгин 1)....All were busy enjoying themselves dancing to some curious, fairly modern music... (1a).
         ♦ В вагоне было в меру накурено, прохладно (Шолохов 3). The carriage was rather smoky and cold (3a).
    3. [adv]
    with temperance, within reasonable limits:
    - [in limited contexts] not (taking (carrying) sth.) too far.
         ♦...Все делалось в меру, как того требуют обычаи и собственное желание (Искандер 3). Everything was done in moderation, as dictated by custom and personal inclination (За).
         ♦ [Кост ы л ёв:] Ты что сказал? [Сатин:] Это я так... про себя... [Костылёв:] Смотри, брат! Шути в меру... да! (Горький 3). [К.:] What did you say? [S.:] I was just talking...to myself... [K.:] You be careful! Don't carry your jokes too far...I mean it! (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > в меру

  • 6 трезвый

    1) ( не пьяный) sober

    тре́звый о́браз жи́зни — temperance, abstinence

    3) ( разумный) sensible; sober

    тре́звый челове́к — sensible man

    челове́к тре́звого ума́ — sober-minded man

    име́ть тре́звый взгляд на ве́щи — take a sober / sensible view of things


    что у тре́звого на уме́, то у пья́ного на языке́ погов. — what the sober man thinks, the drunkard reveals; drink loosens the tongue

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > трезвый

См. также в других словарях:

  • temperance drink — безалкогольный напиток egg drink яичный напиток drink powder сухой напиток fizzy drink шипучий напиток iced drink напиток со льдом milk drink молочный напиток …   English-Russian travelling dictionary

  • drink — 1. напиток still drink негазированный напиток heating drink горячительный напиток carbonated drink газированный напиток sour milk drink кисло молочный напиток temperance drink безалкогольный напиток …   English-Russian travelling dictionary

  • Temperance Movements — • Covers the history in Europe, the United States, and Canada Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Temperance Movements     Temperance Movements      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Temperance — • One of the four cardinal virtues Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Temperance     Temperance     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • temperance — mid 14c., self restraint, moderation, from Anglo Fr. temperaunce (mid 13c.), from L. temperantia moderation, from temperans, prp. of temperare to moderate (see TEMPER (Cf. temper)). L. temperantia was used by Cicero to translate Gk. sophrosyne… …   Etymology dictionary

  • temperance — ► NOUN ▪ abstinence from alcoholic drink. ORIGIN Old French temperaunce, from Latin temperare restrain …   English terms dictionary

  • Temperance movement — The Temperance Movement attempted to reduce the amount of alcohol consumed within a community or society in general and even to prohibit its production and consumption entirely. The Woman s Christian Temperance Union is a prominent example of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Temperance Fountain — The Temperance Fountain is a fountain and statue located in Washington, D.C. donated to the city in 1882 by Henry D. Cogswell, a dentist from San Francisco, California, who was a crusader in the temperance movement. This fountain was one of a… …   Wikipedia

  • temperance movement — a movement involving organized campaigns by various groups in the US, Britain and some other countries in the 19th century to persuade people to drink little or no alcohol. These groups believed that the effects of alcohol were bad both for… …   Universalium

  • Temperance bar — A temperance bar is one of a number of bars, primarily in Lancashire, England during the 19th century, that did not serve alcoholic beverages.In the late 1800s, a number of such bars were established in conjunction with the Temperance Society.… …   Wikipedia

  • temperance — [[t]te̱mpərəns[/t]] 1) N UNCOUNT If you believe in temperance, you disapprove of drinking alcohol. ...a reformed alcoholic extolling the joys of temperance. 2) N UNCOUNT A person who shows temperance has a strong mind and does not eat too much,… …   English dictionary

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